Provides the equipment and 24-hour personal response services that connect individuals to trained personal response associates who can send help quickly allowing at-risk individuals to continue to live as independently as possible. Activation of the emergency response system can provide an immediate professional response to emergency situations such as falling. By paying more, customers may also opt to get "Urgent Care" service that connects callers with a nurse for medical questions or prescription. Fall Detection is also available.
Last Assured
Physical Address
10945 Vista Sorrento Parkway, Suite 120, San Diego, CA 92130
Administrative Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00am-9:00pm; Phone/Website:24Hours/7Days
Application process
Apply Via Website; By Telephone; Information On Website
Fixed Fee; Sliding Scale may be available; Medicaid Waiver may be available
Most appropriate for older adults and individuals with disabilities; Referral required from a Medicaid Case Manager for Medicaid Waiver, if available; Adults Age 60 Years and Older should contact local Area Agency on Aging to request financial assistance that may be available, Income Guidelines Apply for Sliding Scale; AARP members may get a one-time discount
Agency info
Lively, formerly known as CST-Link to Life, is a for-profit company, a division of Best Buy, which provides personal emergency and monitoring systems. Activation of the emergency response system can provide an immediate professional response to emergency situations.